
Attention: our building is connected to electricity in category A, from two independent sources of electricity supply and therefore the power outage schedule does not apply to our clinic. We are working as usual for our patients.

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Dear clients, starting from December 1st, our clinic’s prices will increase by 10%. Take advantage of the current prices while they last! Thank you for your understanding!

Laser vision correction by any method – from UAH 14,950. There is an opportunity to pay for treatment in instalments.

British Ophthalmology Center in Kyiv

Client testimonials after vision correction

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Join tens of thousands of our patients who have already helped us become the best in what we do!

Ryabina Valeriya Rostyslavivna

Laser vision correction

I would like to thank all the staff at the British Eye Center for their professionalism and for the excellent vision that I now have. I was very pleased to visit your center. I wish you further prosperity and development! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Shcherban Yuliya Mykolayivna

Laser vision correction

I had laser vision correction at the "British Ophthalmological Center". I liked the good attitude of all the staff, starting from the dressing room and ending with the doctors. The vision has not yet fully recovered, but at the diagnosis they said that you should wait a little longer. Thanks for the good service!

Skyrchak Tetyana Viktorivna

Laser vision correction

Shock, diagnosis of retinal detachment of the right eye. We understood that the operation is serious and complicated. But we were fully convinced that it was impossible to find a better and more reliable place than the "British Ophthalmology Center" in Kyiv. We were right. From the bottom of my heart and with all my soul, I express my immense gratitude for the operatively coordinated work, the clear sequence of actions for the operation performed on me by the chief doctor O.M. Zhuk. and his close-knit team of professionals: ophthalmologist A.B. Bogdanovich, nurses, an anesthesiologist (anesthesia was selected correctly). Thank you for your kindness, sensitivity, and moral support! Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk is a qualified surgeon, a doctor with a capital letter! Thank you for your noble work, dedication! I wish you good health, inexhaustible optimism, prosperity and a sunny mood! Many thanks to all the staff! You are the best!


Kolomoyets Mariya Vasylivna

Laser vision correction

I decided to undergo vision correction suddenly, on the recommendation of a friend. I really liked the British Eye Center because it is very modern, clean and well organized. There was no fear before the operation. The operation itself took five minutes, the painful sensations after the end of the anesthesia lasted two hours. I would like to thank the staff for their well-organized work and professionalism!


Zolnikova Kateryna Serhiyivna

Laser vision correction

Good afternoon, I had laser vision correction at the British Eye Center on 07/15/2020. At the time “before” the correction, vision was -5.75 in both eyes. I'm very pleased! Quality, service and service at the highest level. Thank you for a world without lenses and glasses!


Budurova Paraskoviya Kharlampivna

Laser vision correction

Thank you very much for your service, professionalism and great attitude. Laser vision correction is a very serious step for me; the professionalism of the doctors helped me cope with fear and uncertainty. Excellent "British Eye Center"! Thank you!


Nadolinyy Artem Romanovych

Laser vision correction

I would like to express my gratitude to the British Ophthalmological Center and especially to Artem Vyacheslavovich Burdey. The doctor performed the operation under very difficult conditions, because... I constantly disturbed him with constant extraneous movements of my head, as a result of my reflection and reaction to even the slightest touch to the eyes. A couple of days after the operation, vision in both eyes is 120%. Before surgery it was -2 in both eyes. Thank you very much for the opportunity to see clearly and well! I wish the British Ophthalmological Center and Artem Vyacheslavovich Burdey prosperity, well-being and further professional success.

Roshchyna Kateryna Oleksandrivna

Laser vision correction

I did laser vision correction and I want to say that I am very satisfied with the result, the acuity of my vision was restored after only 4 hours! I want to thank the doctors of the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the restoration of vision and good patient service. Fast and convenient is the motto of this center. Thank you!

Bakal Volodymyr Fedorovych

Laser vision correction

With all my heart I thank the doctor Alexander Borisovich Bogdanovich and the staff of the British Ophthalmological Center for their professionalism, responsiveness and dedication to their work. I had successful cataract surgery and am now enjoying being able to see again. Complicated cataracts led to blindness. And only thanks to the amazing skill of Alexander Borisovich, he sees again. Vision restored to 100%. Thank you very much again!


Skydina Valentyna Hryhorivna

Cataract Treatment

Everything in a person should be beautiful” A.P. Chekhov. This is about the doctors of the British Eye Center. I would like to say kind words of gratitude to the people with whom I had the opportunity to communicate. Surgeon - Bogdanovich Alexander Borisovich. Dear Alexander Borisovich, your last name speaks for you. You are an ANGEL sent by GOD to earth to give people light and overcome darkness. You are a professional with a lot of exclamation marks, confident, strict, kind, beautiful person. For this you are respected, appreciated, loved by your patients, employees and people in whose lives you are. You have wonderful assistants, your anesthesiologists: Vladislav Valerievich, Maxim Anatolyevich, diagnostician - Roshchin Pavel Igorevich. He did his job professionally, clearly and with tenderness in his eyes. And the nursing staff are just bees. They do their job quickly, efficiently and professionally. Their hands are light, their needles are sharp. They also became just family - Svetlana Konstantinovna Chubko, Galina Ivanovna Polyakova, Irina Fedorovna Akulenko. All these people have a huge heart, full of genuine, sincere love for people and for their profession. They treat patients like newborn babies, with warmth, respect, and affection. This is especially nice for people my age. “People in white coats, I want to bow low to you!” No matter what color your robes are, you will always be in WHITE, because you bring peace, goodness, and hope to people. You are the best!


Safronova Nadiya Vasylivna

Laser vision correction

I, Safronova Nadezhda Vasilyevna, born in 1951 I read on the website of the British Ophthalmological Center in Kyiv that ophthalmologists even take on complex cases of cataract treatment. In Dnepropetrovsk, after the examination, the forecasts were disappointing, and I decided to go to Kyiv, although they did not understand me and dissuaded me. Here I met people who were also looking to save their eyesight after a not very successful experience. The operation was carried out in 2 stages, advanced cataract did not allow seeing the retina, etc. (12/1/2020). On December 3, 2020, an intraocular lens was implanted, and thank God, I see 90%. Today, December 16, 2020, at the postoperative examination of 2 eyes – 70%. Swelling and adaptation will pass, and the feeling has returned, I have good vision, good condition. Doctor from God! Bogdanovich Alexander Borisovich! His golden hands are the pride of ophthalmology in Ukraine and the world. He introduced his profession to the rank of art. Clinic (British), department of the Bogomolets Institute (how symbolic), where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Tests, in the difficult times of Covida, all norms, disinfection standards, masks, shoe covers, a toilet where you don’t need to touch anything... Everything works from the door, as soon as you enter the clinic you are accompanied everywhere (the theater begins with the hanger). Here you can leave things in the wardrobe, in a drawer before the operation, everything is calm, caring, the staff is perfect, examination technology, preoperative preparation, a wonderful nurse Tatyana, in the operating room Yana is attentive and professional. All procedures without unnecessary stress. For everything, many thanks to the head doctor. I am very glad, and happy, and grateful that God brought me to this clinic. It’s rare to be completely satisfied with any action that is happening in our lives now, that’s why I couldn’t hold back my words of Gratitude. And why? We should not be stingy at least with words of Gratitude. A huge connection communicates a good event to others in a positive way.

Ivashchenko Nadiya Trokhymivna

Laser vision correction

On the eve of St. Nicholas, my sincere gratitude to doctor Andrii Mykolayovych for his restored sight. I wish the "British Ophthalmology Center" will continue to have such high-class surgeons and friendly employees.


Dubovets Evgeniy Viktorovich

Laser vision correction

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctors and staff of the British Eye Center for their attitude and professionalism. Thanks to them, I can see what seemed blurry and unsightly. Now the world has become much more beautiful! Thanks a lot!


Khomenko Anna Andriyivna

Laser vision correction

Thank you to the doctors and medical staff of the "British Ophthalmology Center" for making my most cherished dream come true. All medical personnel treat patients with care and tenderness. The day of the operation was a very serious and morally difficult event, but thanks to the support of the doctors, nurses and administrators of the facility, everything went smoothly with a clear mind and cool thoughts. Thank you to the woman who held my hand while doing the laser correction, it was really cool, it was just what I needed then, at that moment, just support. Everything is professional, comfortable and at the highest level! Thank you very much again!


Dvirnyk Mykola Semenovych

Cataract Treatment

On November 18, 2020, the first operation was performed on my wife Valentina Ivanovna Dvirnyk at the "British Ophthalmological Center", to replace the lens and remove the cataract on the right eye. The results were so successful that all fears were dispelled. The next step is a more complex operation, a cataract of the left eye with initial glaucoma. A second operation was performed on December 8, with the same excellent result, although more effort was required. On the same day, I underwent preparations for surgery on the left eye with a diagnosis of cataract with complications. On December 15, I had a cataract removed with IOL implantation. In less than a month, the "magicians" of the center made our family happy. Many thanks to all the center staff who prepared us for operations. And the excellent surgeon Alexander Borisovich Bogdanovich, after such preparation, had to do the main thing - the highly professional, holy work of a surgeon. Thanks to everyone who left reviews on the center’s website about excellent specialists at all levels of the center. We made the right choice. Advice to those who are preparing for surgery - “Be optimistic, trust highly qualified specialists, be friendly to each other, believe in your body and your brain will set the body up for recovery and to maintain the results that the specialists have done so that you again gain the opportunity to SEE!»


Ibrahimova Alina Alimivna

Laser vision correction

Great center, polite staff. Everything is clear and worked out. Full support "before" and "after" the operation. After the correction, a completely new life begins. Many thanks to the "British Ophthalmological Center" for good and high-quality work.


Anshakova Tetyana Mykhaylivna

Cataract treatment

I express my boundless gratitude to the chief physician Andrey Nikolaevich Zhuk for performing cataract surgery. His high professionalism and humanity struck me to the core. Meeting this type of doctor is very lucky. I bow deeply to Andrei Nikolaevich’s parents for raising such a son. I will recommend to all my friends and strangers who need ophthalmological care to contact the British Eye Center. I also thank the entire center team for their high level of organization.


Anshakova Tetyana Mykhaylivna

Cataract Treatment

Висловлюю безмежну вдячність за виконання операції по видаленню катаракти, головному лікарю Жуку Андрію Миколайовичу. Його високий професіоналізм та людяність вразили мене до глибини душі. Зустріти такого гатунку лікаря – це дуже велика удача. Низько вклоняюсь батькам Андрія Миколайовича за виховання такого сина. Всім знайомим і незнайомим, що потребують офтальмологічну допомогу, буду рекомендувати звертатись до «Британського офтальмологічного центру». Дякую також всьому колективу центру за високу організованість.

Laser vision correction, treatment of cataract, retinal diseases and glaucoma – our mission, which we solve safely, professionally and effectively.

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Make an appointment for a consultation before laser vision correction

В связи с работами с телефонными линиями на данный момент в клинике доступен номер телефона для экстренной связи +380 664 999666. Приносим извинения за временные неудобства.
9:00 – 19:00
Monday - Sunday
We work seven days a week

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