Laser vision correction

It is indicated for:

Treatment methods:

Vision correction


14950 ₴

Laser Vision Correction: Your Key to Perfect Vision

Nowadays, when technology is developing at an incredible speed, laser vision correction is becoming increasingly popular. This method allows people with poor vision to return to a normal life without glasses and contact lenses.

Laser vision correction is a safe and effective procedure that can correct the most common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. This process involves using a precise laser to reshape the cornea, allowing light to focus on the retina and improve vision.

All in all, laser vision correction is a breakthrough in ophthalmology that is helping millions of people around the world improve their vision. If you are tired of glasses or contact lenses and want to improve your life, laser vision correction may be the perfect solution for you.

Guaranteed Security

Several million procedures are performed worldwide every year. The technologies and safety of this technique give patients a quick result, allow them to see the world in all its colors without additional means – glasses and contact lenses.

Great results in minutes

The positive results of vision correction in our clinic speak for themselves. Thanks to the latest equipment, the operation on both eyes lasts no more than 7 minutes, and after correction, most patients achieve 100% visual acuity.

Without disturbing the rhythm of life

The laser correction operation does not disturb the daily rhythm of life: there is no need to go on vacation, normal eye loads are allowed a few days after the laser correction.

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Vision corrections

Over the years we have provided hundreds of thousands of eye care services to our patients.

If you choose the British Eye Center for laser vision correction, you can be sure of the quality of our services, because you are entrusting your vision to a modern clinic. The iQ-LASIK Oxygen 3D laser correction method is available here.

A state-of-the-art, safe technique for refractive laser vision improvement.

For those leading an active lifestyle and professional athletes. The solution is.

Prices for laser vision correction in Kyiv

ServicePrice in UAH.
Laser vision correction
  • Special price
  • New technologies
  • Without additional fee for a thin flap
The original LASIK, Super iLASIK technique.
Personalized laser correction with the technology of the super thin flap.
Laser vision correction
  • Special price
  • New technologies
  • Without additional fee for a thin flap
The original ThinFlap, TopoLasik, OptiLasik, LASEK - SportLine, Contoura®Vision technique.
Personalized laser correction with the technology of the ultrafine flap.
Laser vision correction
  • iQ-LASIK Oxygen
  • Special price
  • New technologies
  • Without additional fee for a thin flap
The original iQ-LASIK Oxygen technique.
Personalized laser correction with the ultrafine flap technology.
Laser vision correction
  • iQ-LASIK Oxygen 3D
  • Special price
  • New technologies
  • Without additional fee for a thin flap
The original iQ-LASIK Oxygen 3D technique.
Personalized laser correction with an ultrafine flap technology.
Laser vision correction
  • Special price
  • New technologies
  • Without additional fee for a thin flap
Correction of corrections of other clinics and complicated cases with the MAGIC method.
Personalized laser correction with ultrafine flap technology.
Laser vision correction
  • Special price
  • New technologies
  • Without additional fee for a thin flap
ProvisumLasik technology.
Personalized laser correction with the technology of the ultrafine flap.
prices are indicated for one eye surgery with simultaneous surgery for both eyes

Where to begin? How does laser vision correction work? What do I need before and after?

Sign up for an appointment

Please call the reception or register on our website for an appointment for testing and possibly even for laser correction (important for patients coming from other countries).

Vision diagnostics

Visit our clinic for a thorough diagnostics of eyesight, duration of diagnostics is 1,5-2 hours.

Laser vision correction

The whole procedure takes about 5 min. The preparation time and post-surgery check-up can take up to several hours. Before the surgery, you have to refuse contact lenses and makeup 12 hours before the surgery. You will be allowed to wear glasses. Before the surgery you should not use any strong smelling creams, colognes and perfumes! Dark sunglasses will be necessary immediately after the surgery. Laser correction can be done immediately after the examination (clarify this when making the appointment by telephone!).

Supervision checkup

That is all!

Your treatment is completely finished! “The British Ophthalmological Center“ recommends reading the instructions after laser vision correction.

Відгуки пацієнтів

Британського офтальмологічного центру

Shul'zhenko Irina Nikolayevna

Strabismus treatment

Можно я скажу, что в современном мире есть безукоризненный медицинский центр – «Британский офтальмологический центр». Огромная благодарность Щадных Марине Александровне. Вы с ювелирным профессионализмом и человеческим теплом вернули мне возможность уверенного взгляда в будущее. Всем сотрудникам, которые сопровождали до и во время операции, я желаю здоровья и личных побед.

Щира подяка всьому колективу

Cataract Treatment

Щира подяка всьому колективу Британського офтальмологічного центру за допомогу моїй мамі в лікуванні катаракти. Моя родина і я сам вже декілька років обслуговуємся в даній клініці і всім задоволені. Тому, коли стало питання про лікування у мами катаракти - без жодних вагань привезли її до Києва в Британський офтальмологічний центр. Наші очікування здійснилися. Операція пройшла чудово і мама наразі знову добре бачить. До неї повернулась «якість» життя. Вона і я дуже вдячні Скапі В.І. і всім лікарям клініки з якими ми пройшли цей шлях за професійність. А також персоналу що працює на рецепції, в колл-центрі та який допомагає лікарям в повсякденному житті за доброзичливість і турботу.

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