
Attention: our building is connected to electricity in category A, from two independent sources of electricity supply and therefore the power outage schedule does not apply to our clinic. We are working as usual for our patients.

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Dear clients, starting from December 1st, our clinic’s prices will increase by 10%. Take advantage of the current prices while they last! Thank you for your understanding!

Laser vision correction by any method – from UAH 14,950. There is an opportunity to pay for treatment in instalments.

British Ophthalmology Center in Kyiv

Client testimonials after vision correction

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Join tens of thousands of our patients who have already helped us become the best in what we do!

Pominalna Tetyana Hryhorivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Pominalna Tetyana Hryhorivna, express my deep respect and gratitude to the surgeon who performed the lens replacement operation on June 5, 2024, Konstantinova Vita Kostyantynivna, for her high professionalism, friendly attitude, attention and care. I also thank all the staff who accompanied me during the examination and operation, for their courtesy, sensitivity, professionalism, and for their clear performance of their duties. I recommend this clinic for vision problems. With respect and gratitude, Tetyana Pominalna.

Bohachevych Lyudmyla Fedorivna

Cataract Treatment

I really want to write kind words to all those who helped me correct my vision - a wonderful operation was performed. Surrounded by professionals. Equally important is good communication, impeccable patient service at all stages of treatment at the "British Ophthalmological Center". Thanks to Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk, Vasyl Ivanovych Skapa, Ihor Fedorovych Buteyts, Tetyana Mykolayivna Kohtachova. I wish you strength and good health - Sincerely, Lyudmyla Fedorivna Bohachevych.

Bylym Larysa Petrivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Bylym Larysa Petrivna. I am very grateful to the God-given doctor - Vita Kostyantynivna, for the high-quality operation to remove cataracts on both eyes.
Very sensitive, responsible and pleasant person. A doctor with "golden hands".
I recommend it to everyone!

Olga Rott

Cataract Treatment

Since April 2024, I am a happy person with new "optics" in my eyes)
Of all the many clinics in the country, I chose this one, and I have never once regretted my choice. I would like to thank the qualified professional doctor-surgeon Konstantinova Vita Kostyantynivna for the very precisely selected lenses for me. She personally and clearly selected the lenses I needed, professionally performed both operations, and I am very satisfied with the result! For which I will always be grateful to this cool doctor! Also, thanks to all the staff, from the nice front desk managers to every nurse who accompanied me during both surgeries. The girls are young, polite, sensitive to each patient, regardless of age. This is such a great value right now.
My sincere recommendation to anyone looking to address any of their vision improvement needs!
Sincerely, Olga Rott.

Proskurova Larysa Havrylivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Larisa Gavrylivna Proskurova, express my deep respect to surgeon Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk and anesthesiologist Maksym Anatoliyovych Kozyura for their high professionalism and friendly attitude towards patients. And I also want to express my respect to all the employees of your team for their clear performance of their duties. I felt at home in this team, among members of the same family.
Infinitely grateful. See you next time.

Prokof'yev Oleksandr Fedorovych

Cataract Treatment

I want to thank the entire team of the clinic, who carefully took care of every minute of the stay, starting from the registry and ending with the door of the surgical room, but the great miracle begins just when a person begins to operate and her calm, balanced voice gives you confidence and trust in what is being done around you.

A low bow and thanks to Vita Konstantinivna for making my fears a breeze.

Holʹdenberh Lyusya Lʹvivna

Cataract Treatment

I express my gratitude for the service. Thank you to all the employees of this institution for your work.
I will recommend your institution to everyone I know.

Chaika T.S.

Cataract Treatment

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Zhuk Andrii Mykolayovych - a surgeon with a capital letter. To doctor Maria Serhiyivna Mykhaylovska, and to everyone who works at the "British Ophthalmological Center"! This is really a service of the highest level!
Seeing the world that these people practically give is a great happiness!
Thank you very much! I wish everyone family happiness and good health!

Sincerely, Chaika T.S.

Ivashchenko Nadiya Oleksiivna and her daughter

Cataract Treatment

We, Nadiya Oleksiivna Ivashchenko and her daughter, want to express our gratitude for the excellent attitude, excellent service, attention and care! To the entire team, "British Ophthalmology Centre", continued prosperity, success and good luck in your difficult work.
Regards, your patients.

Postovoytova Halyna Ihnativna

Cataract Treatment

I, Halyna Ignativna Postovoytova, underwent treatment at the British Ophthalmological Center. I express my gratitude to all the staff of the center, especially the attending physician Vasyl Ivanovych Skapi. And to surgeon Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk.
The entire team of the center is very attentive and professional, they provided all the conditions for my comfort during each stage of treatment, a very spiritual atmosphere.
I wish the entire team success and prosperity in their professional activities.

Huseynova Mehriban

Cataract Treatment

I am very satisfied, thanks to the doctors. I suffered for many years, constantly wore glasses in my bag for reading and the computer and for the future. It was very bad without glasses. Thanks to surgeon Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk and Kateryna Valentynivna Shtokaliuk. And thanks to the medical staff, everyone is very nice.

Bakum Andriy Hryhorovych

Cataract Treatment

I sincerely thank the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the high quality of service. Special thanks to the surgeon Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk and the doctor Ulyana Ivanivna Rudyak. I wish you prosperity and a peaceful sky. You are the best. Thank you.

Larisa Mykolaivna Spasyonova

Cataract Treatment

As it seemed to me, the most complex operations at the British Ophthalmological Center are performed by the Chief Physician - a top class doctor - Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk, who is assisted by a highly qualified team. And his right hand is Rudyak Ulyana Ivanivna - the head of the advisory and diagnostic department. After the operation, I called them "Beatles" not only because that is how the doctor's last name sounds in English, but also because their highly qualified work is known not only in Ukraine. While waiting for the examination, I repeatedly met foreigners who were being examined or waiting for an operation. My case turned out to be complicated, in addition to cataracts, there were problems with the retina. However, the operation was successful. I am very grateful to Andrii Mykolayovych and his team for their professionalism, attention and sensitive, attentive attitude towards patients. And Ulyana Ivanovna also for the postoperative support. We have a lot to be proud of. Our surgeons perform the most complex operations in such a difficult time for the country. We would like to wish the entire team good health and long life, creative energy, endless energy, fruitful projects, creative like-minded colleagues and followers. Good luck on all life's paths! And we wish all of us a speedy victory.

Abbyasova Shamilya Mukhlisova

Cataract Treatment

I, Abbyasova Shamilya Mukhlisova, want to thank the team of doctors (Andriy Mykolayovych, Kateryna Valentynivna), as well as the sensitive nurse Tetyana Kohtachova for the "easy hands". I wish them to keep it up and success in their work.

Ткаченко Надія Олексіївна

Tkachenko Nadiya Oleksiyivna

Cataract Treatment

The best birthday present is seeing again.
Many thanks to the British Eye Center for this opportunity. Attention and high professionalism is your horse.
We wish your team only lightning victories in the struggle of light over darkness!
With gratitude and respect, Tkachenko N.D. and her family.

Осадчий М.П.

Osadchyy Mykola Petrovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Mykola Petrovych Osadchii, while undergoing treatment at the clinic, was completely satisfied with the work of the staff of your center. I am especially grateful to the surgeon Konstantinova Vita Kostyantynivna - a sensitive, friendly person and a good specialist. I am very grateful!

Воробйова Валентина Миколаївна

Vorobyova Valentyna Mykolayivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Valentina Mykolaivna Vorobyova, underwent cataract surgery at the "British Ophthalmology Center" 4 years ago on one eye, a year ago on the left. I had excellent English Rayner lens surgery. I was very happy. But the problem with the retina remained in the eye. It did not depend on the doctors. The vision in my left eye began to deteriorate. In the city hospital, I was offered an injection of Ailiya. In this clinic, this procedure costs UAH 8,000. and it needs to be pricked constantly. I went to the "British Ophthalmology Center" and after a full examination, they told me that I had a dry form of cystic macular edema. This injection is absolutely contraindicated for me. I would go blind after this injection! At that time, my vision dropped to 20%.
After the examination at the British Center, I was treated by Rudyak Ulyana Ivanivna - very sensitive and professional. In addition to treating my eye, Ulyana Ivanovna reassured me: "Don't worry. We will do everything possible and improve your vision!"
I came to the center in May 2023 and today, August 24, on the Independence Day of Ukraine, I have a double holiday - my vision has recovered to 100%. I cannot convey my joy and my son's.
I want to say a big thank you to Ulyana Ivanovna and all the staff of the "British Ophthalmological Center". Very attentive staff.

Вільхова Галина Василівна

Vilkhova Halyna Vasylivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Halyna Vilkhova Vasylivna, am very grateful to the employees of the "British Ophthalmological Center", and especially to doctor Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk, for my restored sight and the joy of being able to see the world in bright colors.

Hudzhan Olena Valeriyivna

Laser vision correction

I want to express my gratitude to the "British Ophthalmological Centre", all the staff, doctors who give us new sight and new life.
What you do for us is simply priceless. Seeing the world in a new way is a great happiness. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all health, happiness, inspiration and success in your professional activities.
You are all our wizards. May the Lord protect you.

Форсюк Л.С

Forsyuk Lidiya Stakhivna

Cataract Treatment

She underwent lens replacement surgery at the "British Ophthalmological Center". After visiting several centers in Kyiv, she chose the "British Ophthalmological Center". And she was not mistaken. V. K. Konstantinova operated on me, thank you for the professional approach to the operation. Thank you for the very good results after the operation, I saw it on the same day, there is no discomfort. To the entire team, professional growth, development and grateful clients.

Волос М.Х

Volos Mykola Kharlanovych

Cataract Treatment

I really liked the attitude and very successful treatment of my eyes. After the operation, the eyes began to see like relatives. I am very satisfied with this attitude and the work of Andriy Mykolayovych. I believe that this doctor is from God.

Яременко Анатолій Михайлович

Yaremenko Anatoliy Mykhaylovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Anatoly Mykhailovych Yaremenko, would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the British Ophthalmological Center in Kyiv for the medical assistance provided. Successful surgery with lens replacement and all subsequent treatment. Special thanks to surgeon Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk, doctor Ulyana Ivanivna Rudyak, and anesthesiologist Maksym Anatoliyovych Kozyura, who did a brilliant job.
I was pleasantly surprised by the team's attitude towards each patient. The team is young, promising, friendly and always with a smile.
Once again, many thanks, may every day bring you joy and satisfaction from what you do for people!

Гриценко І.А.

Hrytsenko Ivan Anatoliyovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Ivan Anatoliyovych Hrytsenko, express my sincere gratitude to doctor Kateryna Valentynivna Shtokalyuk for her care and sensitive attitude towards me during the entire treatment at the clinic. Special thanks to Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk for the successfully performed eye operations. Health, success in work and peace to the entire team.

Спасьонова Лариса Миколаївна

Spasyonova Larysa Mykolayivna

Cataract Treatment

My son advised me to contact the British Ophthalmological Center. After the consultation, the lovely doctor, describing the cataract surgery, informed me that tomorrow my life will change and I will see percent "without fog". I took this information as advertising. But ... the day after the operation of one eye, I was already dialing a phone number without glasses, a check on modern devices, which are in sufficient quantity at the Center, confirmed that the vision in the eye after the operation was 100% and I was able to clearly read the name on the badge doctor - Vita Konstantinovna Konstantinova and see her beautiful smile. I am very grateful to her for her sensitivity, professionalism, desire to help as much as possible.

I would also like to thank Ulyana Ivanovna Rudyak for her consultation regarding the operation of the second eye. The clinic leaves a very good impression - everything is clearly organized, everyone is in their place, the Center works like a Swiss watch. I would like to wish the entire team health, success and all of us a speedy victory.

Луганська Галина Іванівна

Luganska Halyna Ivanivna

Cataract Treatment

My dear saviors!

There are no words to express my gratitude.

It is more than a fairy tale - to come in the morning with poor eyesight, and already in the evening to see everything clearly, brightly, as in childhood.

Andriy Mykolayovych, Vita Kostyantynivna!

I admire your skill and wish you all the best in the world. Sincerely, Luhanska Halyna Ivanivna.

холодная лазерная коррекция

Demchenko Yuriy Petrovych

Cataract Treatment

холодная лазерная коррекция

Nazarenko Anzhela Anatoliyivna

Cataract Treatment

I am very grateful to doctor Kostyantynova Vita Kostyantynivna, who in fact restored my sight, now the "blurred" surrounding world has again taken on clear outlines.

I never cease to admire the professionalism, endurance and patience of Vita Kostyantynivna, to whom I caused quite a bit of trouble, during the operation she had to spend twice as much energy (perhaps three times) and strength on me, which is so necessary for other patients.

Vita Kostyantynivna, I am sincerely grateful to you for what you are doing for us - restoring our sight!

You are a doctor from God. Your Mind, Soul and Body are in harmony. You do exactly what you know how to do masterfully, professionally with maximum efficiency. Vita Kostyantynivna - You are the best!

холодная лазерная коррекция

Nazarenko Olga Andriivna

Laser vision correction

I want to thank the staff of the clinic for their attention, care and kindness.

In particular, I want to thank my doctor - Britan Serhii Serhiyevich, for the excellent laser vision correction, delicate medical support and the opportunity to see the beauty of the world directly, and not through glasses.

Sincerely, Nazarenko O.A.

Пробєйголова Лідія Володимирівна

Probyeyholova Lidiya Volodymyrivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Probyeyholova Lydia Volodymyrivna, underwent an operation in your clinic to remove cataracts from both eyes.
For the first time in my life, I encountered such a tried-and-tested process. I am going home happy.
I wish all the workers of this center happiness, health and peace.

Hudylko Valentyna Dmytrivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Valentina Dmitrivna Hudylko, thank the staff of the "British Ophthalmology Center" for their good attitude towards patients. I would like to express my gratitude to my doctor Vasyl Ivanovych Skapa and anesthesiologist Maksym Anatoliyovych Kozyura.

Apostolova Valentyna Serhiyivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Apostolova Valentina Sergiivna, on 14/03/2023 and 14/05/2023 at the British Ophthalmology Center, two operations were performed to remove cataracts, first on the right, then on the left eye.
Today I feel well, my vision has returned, the fog in front of my eyes has disappeared .
I want to express my gratitude to the surgeon who performed the operations - A.M. Zhuk. and the doctor - Shtokalyuk K.V., as well as all the medical personnel with whom I had contact during the examination, pre-operative preparation, operation and post-operative examination.
Thank you all very much for your warm attitude and kindness, for providing professional help and the comfortable conditions in which I found myself in the British Ophthalmological Center.
A low bow to all of you.

Ашихмін Сергій Георгійович

Ashykhmin Serhiy Heorhiyovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Serhii Georgiyovych Ashykhmin, underwent lens replacement surgery at the British Ophthalmological Center. I liked everything, I began to see how young. Thanks to doctors Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk and Ulyana Ivanivna Rudyak.

Кільменінова Лідія Олександрівна

Kilmeninova Lidiya Oleksandrivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Lidiya Oleksandrivna Kilmeninova, would like to express my gratitude to the lens replacement doctors Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk, Ulyana Ivanivna Rudyak, and Maksym Anatoliyovych Kozyuri, anesthesiologist, as well as the entire staff of the British Ophthalmology Center for their professionalism, care and good attitude towards patients. Thank you for the opportunity to see and live a full life for me and my husband. May you all be lucky.
Sincerely, the Kilmenin family.

Vaha Mykola Vasyliovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Vaga Mykola Vasyliovych, want to thank surgeon Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk for his professional and very good attitude.

Holimaz Nataliya Oleksiyivna

Vitreoretinal surgery

Many thanks to the employees, all the doctors of the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the great professional care of their patients. I would like to note the high professionalism, attention, and care of doctors Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk, Ulyana Ivanivna Rudyak, and Vasyl Ivanovich Skapa. May your kindness and care never fade. You restored my sight, and with this you returned me to a full life. May God grant you all good health, peace, and prosperity to you and your families. Sincerely, Natalia Oleksiivna Holimaz, Mykolaiv.

Yaroshenko Vira Ivanivna

Cataract Treatment

I am very grateful to the highly qualified doctors A.M. Zhuk, V.I. Skapa, M.A. Kozyura, nurses and all the staff for the successfully conducted consultation and lens replacement surgery on 03/05/2023 at the "British Ophthalmological Center". I had a very complicated cataract and for a long time I did not dare to have an operation. The operation went well and on the first day I was able to read a text on my mobile. A lot of attention is paid to the postoperative examination. I am very satisfied with the result. I recommend this clinic for solving vision problems.

Muzychuk Raisa Akhmetivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Bilovol A.V. came to the "British Ophthalmology Center" on the recommendation of an acquaintance on 09.05.23. My mother was operated on by R.A. Muzychuk. Born in 1936. I wanted to emphasize the professionalism, correctness and tolerance of the medical staff. I would give the clinic 100 points for all criteria. I would especially like to mention the anesthesiologist M.A. Kozyura. and doctor V.I. Skap
Thank you all very much.

холодная лазерная коррекция

Kasatkina Lyudmila Pavlivna

Cataract Treatment

I am very grateful to the medical staff of the "British Ophthalmology Center", in particular to chief surgeon Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk, attending physician Ulyana Ivanivna Rudyak, head of the surgical department Vasyl Ivanovych Skapi, and anesthesiologist Maksym Anatoliyovych Kozyuri, who directly participated in my treatment. The work of the ophthalmological center is organized very qualitatively, at a high scientific and technical level, using the latest diagnostic and treatment technologies. All units of the center work clearly and in a timely manner, in algorithm mode. Politeness and tolerance towards patients, good aesthetic design, excellent sanitary and hygienic condition of the center testify to a high level of culture and discipline, which has a positive effect on the internal state of patients and the course of their rehabilitation.
I sincerely wish you great success in your work in the future" of the British Ophthalmological Center"
patient: Kasatkina Lyudmila Pavlivna (from the city of Kherson).

холодная лазерная коррекция

Litovka Alla Oleksandrivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Litovka Alla Aleksandrovna, from Avdeevka, Donetsk region, had surgery to implant a multifocal lens at the British Ophthalmological Center. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my doctor, Vasily Ivanovich Skapa and anesthesiologist Maxim Anatolyevich Kozyura, who have truly established themselves as highly qualified specialists who conscientiously perform their professional duties. In communicating with me, they were very attentive, friendly, and showed real care. They quickly and efficiently answered all the questions I asked and during communication tried to explain to me all the points related to the operation and the rehabilitation period. I thank these doctors for their hard work and consider doctors V.I. Skapa and M.A. Kozyura to be the best doctors at the British Ophthalmological Center. I want to wish them health, happiness and contentment. Thank you for your kindness and caring attitude toward me.

холодная лазерная коррекция

Chernets E.M.

Cataract Treatment

I, Chernets E.M. operated on at the British Eye Centre. Thankful for restoring my sight. Sincerely, Chernets E.M.

Patient Ivasyuk R.P.

Cataract Treatment

I thank the staff of the clinic and personally, Konstantinova Vita Kostyantynivna, for their professionalism, sensitivity to patients, and love for their work. She operated on cataracts on both eyes.
Good health!

Ryabokin Olga Hryhorivna

Cataract Treatment

Dear Vita Kostyantynivna! Sweet, gentle, fragile. Thank you for your strong, confident hands. Your professionalism, talent. For your good heart. You brought me back to a full life. I am sincerely grateful to you.

Popov Valeriy Eduardovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Valery Eduardovych Popov, express my sincere gratitude to all the employees of the "British Ophthalmology Center" for their impeccable work. I am very pleased that I turned to this center. Thanks to the operation, my vision has been restored. Once again, I sincerely thank all the employees of the center.

Mayorenkova Nataliya Ivanivna

Laser vision correction

I, Nataliya Ivanivna Majorenkova, want to leave a review about the British Ophthalmological Center. I chose between two different clinics, but I chose the British one, and I did not regret it. The staff is at the highest level, everyone is polite, friendly, patient, the service is super. I want to thank the anesthesiologists, and special thanks to the doctor Konstantinova VK. I wish everyone prosperity and a peaceful sky. You are the best. Thank you. P.S. I am writing a review on the third day after surgery on both eyes, I am writing without glasses! Thanks again!

Гуляєва Л.Г.

Hulyayeva L.H.

Cataract Treatment

I would like to express my gratitude to the British Ophthalmological Center and personally to doctor Kostyantynova Vita Kostyantynivna for her professionalism, sensitive attitude towards patients, tact and dedication to her profession. I wish health to all the employees of the center!
L.H. Gulyaeva.

Гаврилюк Валентина Андріївна

Havrylyuk Valentyna Andriyivna

Cataract Treatment

I am Gavrilyuk Valentina Andriivna. I came to the "British Ophthalmology Center" on the advice of my sons' friends, who were very satisfied after the eye surgery.
The service is very responsive and efficient. I was operated on by doctor Konstantinova Vita Konstantinivna. This doctor is a sorceress. I am very grateful to her, because I see how I was in my youth before the wedding. And now I am a pensioner. Sight makes me very happy, makes me a happy person.
I wish everyone good health.

Osipov Oleksandr Serhiyovych

Laser vision correction

I, Oleksandr Serhiyevich Osipov, successfully cured my myopia thanks to the doctors and medical staff of the British Ophthalmological Center clinic.
Thank you very much! Good luck to you all!!!
P.S. Glory to Ukraine!

Tarytina Natalya

Cataract Treatment

I sincerely thank the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the high quality of service.
I had an operation to replace the lens on the left eye. The magical hands of the doctor, Vasyl Ivanovych Skapa, quickly and skillfully dealt with my problem. Like a real sniper, Vasyl Ivanovych cleaned my eye of everything superfluous and gave me back the ability to see.
I can't help but thank doctor Maria Serhiivna Mykhaylovska, who performed the first examination and discovered my problem. Many thanks to all the staff of the clinic. You are real professionals in your field, kind, sincere, positive, you are just cool!
Thank you for having me!
Health, Victory and Peace to all!
With respect and gratitude , Natalya Taritina.

Порохівник Григорій Іванович

Porokhivnyk Hryhoriy Ivanovych

Cataract Treatment

My name is Hryhoriy Ivanovich Porohivnyk, I am 65 years old and I am a patient of the "British Ophthalmology Center".
It so happened in my life that I did not pay much attention to my health, including the health of my eyes. About a year and a half ago, I went to an ophthalmologist and, to be honest, he did not do anything to stabilize the cataract. The problems started when I realized that I was not good at determining the distance to the object and it was uncomfortable for me to drive. I went to three clinics, together with my wife, and my wife was also advised to have two options: from having to do surgery immediately, to the initial stage and not having to do it at all. In general, the cost of medicine.
I started monitoring the Internet. I found a lot of videos from Oleksiy (not an ophthalmologist), for which special thanks to him. Personally, he helped me a lot, especially if I knew almost nothing about it.
The most important thing is the qualifications of the surgeon, the doctor who selects the parameters of the lens and quality equipment. Unfortunately, the choice of lens is given to you personally, and no one can guarantee that the result will meet your expectations.
I was lucky, the examination and all the measurements were done by a wonderful doctor, Ukrainian, athlete and beautiful person Rudyak Ulyana Ivanivna. If you need advice, contact her and do not make a mistake. He is the best ophthalmologist I have met in my life.
With the choice of the operating surgeon, I was even more lucky. This is Andriy Mykolayovych Zhuk, golden hands, plus the highest qualifications and the same golden soul, love for his work and people, this is what characterizes this person.
The atmosphere in the clinic is friendly and pleasant. Thanks to everyone who participated in the operation, as well as to the staff of the clinic.
Today is the fifth day. I am going to a consultation. I think that during the inspection it will be about one hundred percent. I can see both in the distance and near well (they were not mistaken with the calculation of the parameters). TECNIS Symfony lens with astigmatism correction. In the evening, bright sources have artifacts in the form of rays or halos. I hope it will pass, but you can put up with it. The brightness of the image at night is the same as with a healthy eye.
Once again, a huge THANK YOU to everyone!!!

Царик Володимир Якович

Tsaryk Volodymyr Yakovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Tsaryk Volodymyr Yakovych, underwent cataract surgery. I am very satisfied with the result of the operation. We are very grateful to the doctors who restored sight and joy to life, as well as to all the staff. Everything is so coordinated, great attention to patients. Thank you for your painstaking work. Sincerely, Tsaryk V.Y.

Харлановський Григорій Михайлович

Harlanovsky Hryhoriy Mykhailovych

Cataract Treatment

Thank you to the team of the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the excellent consultation and cataract surgery. Thanks to doctor Rudyak U.I. for sensitive and professional attitude.

Саса Таїсія Василівна

Sasa Tayisiya Vasylivna

Cataract Treatment

On the recommendation of her brother, she turned to the "British Ophthalmology Center" with the problem of cataract treatment. I would like to note the organization and professionalism of the staff at all stages of the stay at the center. The operation to remove the cataract was successful, vision was restored to 100%. Thanks to the staff and doctors for their skill, humanity and professionalism.
Special thanks to Rudyak U.I., Zhuk A.M. and M.A. Kozyuri
I will definitely recommend this center for solving vision problems. Thanks, keep it up. You are the best.

Музика Василь Петрович

Muzyka Vasyl Petrovych

Cataract Treatment

I am very grateful to the "British Ophthalmology Center" for providing a cataract removal service and pleasant communication and service. I will recommend the center to all my friends. I am very grateful to the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the care of patients.

Tarytina Natalya

Cataract Treatment

I sincerely thank the "British Ophthalmology Center" for the high quality of service. I had an operation to replace the lens on the left eye. The magical hands of the doctor, Vasyl Ivanovych Skapa, quickly and skillfully dealt with my problem. As a real sniper, Vasyl Ivanovich cleaned my eye of everything superfluous and gave me back the ability to see.

I can't help but thank doctor Mykhailovska Maria Serhiivna, who conducted the first examination and discovered my problem. Many thanks to all the staff of the clinic. You are real professionals in your field, kind, sincere, positive, you are just cool!

Thank you for having you!
Health, Victory and Peace to everyone!
With respect and gratitude, Tarytina Natalya.

Сидоренков Є.П.

Sydorenkov E.P.

Cataract Treatment

My father was operated on to remove cataracts. We are very grateful to Vasyl Ivanovych Skapa and Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk. Very good reception and organization. Both operations went quickly and without complications. Father sees perfectly and is very pleased. I liked the fact that the patient is monitored for another month to make sure that everything is in order. We are sincerely grateful to the doctors and all the staff of the clinic.

Рибак Анжеліка Олегівна

Rybak Anzhelika Olehivna

Laser vision correction

Many thanks to the British Ophthalmological Center for the high quality of service. I really liked everything, especially doctor Vasyl Ivanovych. Who performed an operation to correct strabismus. With such an attitude towards patients, I want to come back to you again. Vasyl Ivanovych is a specialist in his field.

Bila L.V.

Cataract Treatment

I am very grateful to the doctors Shtokalyuk K.V. and Skapi V.I. for professional examination and treatment. Thank you for the good attitude towards the patient and the available explanation. More such doctors.
Bila L.V.

Харченко П.І.

Kharchenko Petro Ivanovych

Cataract Treatment

I, Petro Ivanovych Kharchenko, 10/07/1960.
I sincerely thank doctor Konstantinova Vita Kostyantynivna for the successful operation to remove the cataract. Thanks also to all the staff at the British Ophthalmology Centre.
May you all be happy and healthy. Peaceful heaven to all.

Третяк О.П.

Tretyak Olga Petrivna

Cataract Treatment

A low bow and sincere gratitude to the surgeon of the "British Ophthalmology Center" - Andrii Mykolayovych Zhuk for his golden hands that cope with a complex disease. You restore sight, giving us, patients, the opportunity to see the world in all colors and feel the joy and happiness of life. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the assistant physician Vasyl Ivanovych Skapa, the anesthesiologists Lyudmila Vaskovska and Maksym Anatoliyovych Kozyura, the nurses Yana Anatoliivna Filimonenko and Tetyana Mykolaivna Kohtachova, and the entire group of registrars for their kindness, sensitivity, responsibility, organization, the help provided to me and a human approach. I sincerely wish you all success in saving your patients and doing your great work. Health to all of you and your families, successful activities and a happy long life. Thank you for your work, for your professionalism, for your dedication.

Рехтета Л.П.

Rekhteta Lidiya Pavlivna

Cataract Treatment

I, Rechteta Lidia Pavlivna, underwent an operation at the "British Ophthalmological Center" to remove a cataract on my right eye. She found the center based on patient reviews. The operation was successful. Before the operation, I could see 3% in my right eye, and after it, on the second day, my vision was 80%. Feeling great. Many thanks to all the staff of the clinic for their excellent work, sensitivity, speed and quality of service. Special thanks to my surgeon Konstantinova Vita Kostyantynivna, for her beautiful, golden hands. I recommend contacting the "British Ophthalmological Centre".

Laser vision correction, treatment of cataract, retinal diseases and glaucoma – our mission, which we solve safely, professionally and effectively.

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