Laser treatment of eye diseases

It is indicated for:

Treatment methods:

Safe and efficient

The transparent optic medium of the eye allows many tissues to be examined and exposed to the laser. The laser radiation is absorbed only at the target point, without damaging other entities of the eye.

The ability to clearly visualize pathological changes allows the doctor to perform the procedure with the utmost precision.

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Laser photocoagulation of the retina

“Micro-welding” the retina with light in areas of loss of strength and areas with reduced blood flow allows central vision and quality of life to be maintained. After strengthening the retina, it will be necessary to limit physical activity for a few days. Visual work can be returned to the same day.


Eye structures such as the retina, chorioidea, and lens capsule have no pain receptors. They are only blinding (a sensation of light flashes). And with the infrared YAG laser there is no sensation at all. The treatment requires dilation of the pupil.

Eye structures such as the retina, choroidea, and lens capsule have no pain receptors. They are only blinding (a sensation of light flashes). And with the infrared YAG laser there is no sensation at all. The treatment requires dilation of the pupil.

Laser discision

Modern sutureless cataract surgery makes this operation fast and safe. But in 10 – 15% of those operated on, the capsule remaining from its lens may become hardened over time. This leads to the appearance of fog and decreased visual acuity. Dissection of the cloudy capsule with a laser takes several minutes. No tests are required. The result is felt immediately.

Risk groups

In the early stages changes occurring in the eye may not be visible to the person. And the efficiency of laser treatment during this period is the highest. That is why it is necessary to check eyes with a preventive purpose. High risk group includes people with high myopia, diabetes mellitus for more than five years, hypertensive people and elderly people.

Laser treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a chronic disease. The main method of its treatment is the appointment of drops that reduce eye pressure. In some cases, when drops do not have a sufficient effect, and surgical treatment can still be postponed, laser treatment of glaucoma can significantly reduce intraocular pressure. After treatment, it is still necessary to diligently instill the prescribed drops and regularly check the eye pressure.

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Vision corrections

Over the years we have provided hundreds of thousands of eye care services.

By choosing British Eye Clinic, you can be sure of the quality of our services, as you are entrusting your vision to a modern clinic. We are able to perform laser surgery on the day of your consultation or at a distance (no appointment is necessary after the diagnostics!).

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Ophthalmology team

Head of the consultative and diagnostic department. Ophthalmic Surgeon, Refractive Surgeon.
Work experience since 2012

Frequently Asked Questions:

Laser technologies are effectively used to treat retinal diseases, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other pathologies. This method minimizes the risk of complications and ensures precise intervention.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with the use of local anesthesia. The ophthalmologist uses a specialized laser to target the affected eye tissues, allowing for the restoration or preservation of vision functions. The process usually takes only a few minutes.

Yes, modern laser technologies are extremely safe. The treatment is conducted under the supervision of high-precision equipment, ensuring minimal damage to healthy tissues and quick recovery.

Recovery after laser treatment usually lasts from a few hours to several days, depending on the type of procedure. Patients are advised to avoid intense physical activity and direct sunlight during the first few days.

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