Service | Price in UAH. |
Gift Certificate | |
At the center you can buy a perfect present for your relatives, friends or colleagues | |
Comprehensive examination | 950 |
all examinations with ophthalmological instruments and doctor`s consultation with examination of eye fundus are included (duration up to two hours) | |
Diabetes Eye Screening | 3400 |
this includes all examinations with ophthalmologic instruments, consultation with a doctor and fundus examination, as well as comprehensive optical coherence tomography and fundus photography of both eyes | |
Comprehensive examination with an additional service | 5300 |
IS PERFORMED ON A SEPARATE DIAGNOSTIC LINE Initial comprehensive examination (for foreign patients) under the personal supervision of the chief specialist of the eye care center (with an interpreter, if necessary) Extract of the examination results in English is included in the price of the examination |
Service | Price in UAH. |
Amblyopia Package | 900 |
Strabismus Package | 900 |
Package "Accommodation Reserves" | 900 |
Package "Strabismus + amblyopia" | 1100 |
prices are for one session |
Service | Price in UAH. |
Laser vision correction
| from 8500 |
The PRK technique. Personalized laser correction with the technology of the ultrafine flap. | |
Laser vision correction
| 13900 |
The original ThinFlap, TopoLasik, OptiLasik, LASIK, Super iLASIK, LASEK - SportLine, Contoura®Vision, iQ-LASIK Oxygen 3D, ProvisumLasik technology. Personalized laser correction with the technology of the ultrafine flap. | |
prices are indicated for one eye surgery with simultaneous surgery for both eyes |
Service | Price in UAH. |
Cataract surgery
| from 21100 |
Service | Price in UAH. |
Vitreoretinal surgery
| from 44600 |
отслойка сетчатки, диабетическая ретинопатия, кровоизлияния в стекловидное тело, последствия травм глаза, макулярное отверстие сетчатки, эпимакулярная мембрана сетчатки, макулярный отек, витреомакулярный тракционный синдром, помутнение стекловидного тела вследствие воспаления, врожденной патологии, дислокация (вывих) хрусталика в стекловидное тело, осложнения после хирургии переднего отрезка глаза. |
Service | Price in UAH. |
Surgical Treatment of Strabismus
| from 12700 |
Adjustable suture method | |
Surgical Treatment of Strabismus
| from 11200 |
performed repeatedly | |
Surgical Treatment of Strabismus
| from 19300 |
Service | Price in UAH. |
Day hospital | 5400 |
provision of medical care in a day hospital after the provision of ophthalmological care | |
Day hospital | 7900 |
provision of medical care in a day hospital under the supervision of a doctor | |
| 7800 |
the sedation technique, an individual approach to each patient, allows you to relieve you of anxiety, fear and stress, both before and after procedures and operations in our clinic, which allows you to feel as comfortable as possible | |
| 15700 |
treatment of anxiety and chronic pain according to medical criteria of category 1 | |
| 19200 |
treatment of anxiety and chronic pain according to medical indicators of category 2 |